Thursday, October 31, 2019

Senior Project - Team Video Analysis Report Essay

Senior Project - Team Video Analysis Report - Essay Example 3. Order systems are not integrated which is slowing the process of shipping. As Warren and Jack discuss the current systems, it is clear that the process is extending the wait time to an untenable period of time for both the economic efficiency of the company and in the wait time for the consumer. 4. The system as they process orders is being stalled at the book storage area. 5. The meeting that was used to convince Elizabeth was not successfully presented. Elizabeth’s concerns about finances were only addressed in a cursory way, thus she comes out of the meeting with low confidence about how it will be received by the board. 6. While the new integration process has potential, the project calls for the use of some of the existing employees in the IT department, but there is no discussion as to how their current duties will be handled while they are on the new project. This is likely to incur extra costs on the backend. Week 3 Problem 1 The problem that Debbie has noted in the post-purchase system where customer service is concerned is an example of the problems that the company has with a lack of integrated systems in which the entire process of purchasing has been considered. The specific issues that have emerged with post consumer relations are quite easily fixed for the initial problems by first creating a more consumer friendly directory for contacting the company on the website and then by second making the menus for the telephone system more user friendly and less time consuming. Because of the time spent handling the complaints about the system, the efficiency of post-consumer purchase is hampered. Thus, in making these two simple changes, the most important aspect of the purchase process is saved – that which gives the consumer a good experience and encourages them to repeat their business. Problem 2 The organization is failing to meet expectations where the management of knowledge is concerned. Because the information is given out in dos es to those involved in projects, it is clear that decisions are being made without full exploration of the problems that are likely to arise. Elizabeth seems to be the last to know and isn’t given a full picture of what is required rather than at the head of the enterprise. In the process of deciding how to increase productivity, she is listening to only one idea that has a high price tag without considering alternatives, thus she does not have a wide knowledge of the possible solutions. She needs to insist on options so that she approaches the problem with a wider level of information, which is then shared with all who would be involved. Problem 3 The system is not being run at the efficiency that it could be run, but the proposed project to increase the efficiency is both costly and will consume a great deal of man hours. It is clear that alternatives need to be explored. Alternatives need to be explored by Warren so that he is sure that Jack’s proposal is the best possible solution, both financially and towards the increased efficiency. Problem 4 The focus, just as it is in Jack’s plan, is to increase the efficiency at the book storage area. This area requires people power rather than automation which is decreasing time efficiency. However, Jack’s plan automates this area and will change the labor needs. The costs of the labor in balance with the costs of the new system should be weighed, thus challenging the need to lose employees and whether or not

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Power and Privilege Homogenous Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Power and Privilege Homogenous Choice - Essay Example I believe that it is possible to respect the differences between individuals and cultures, while retaining the natural comfort level found in individual association. I call this homogenous choice. As an individual, I am aware of the differences between myself and others. Whether those differences are cultural or behavioral, I know that I can face a dilemma as I react to those differences. Although space does not permit me to delineate all of the possibilities, I think that a consolidation of the ideas comes down to one word: Respect. If my responses to the differences in people I meet, and their unique way of perceiving the world, are respectful of their point of view, I can avoid a negative perspective that includes prejudice or racism. Different isn't bad, it is just different. That said, I don't have to embrace all the differences I encounter; or even like them. I can respect my own perspective as a valid point of view, and extend that same significance to the people I meet. The guiding principle for me, as for most other people, is personal comfort. I am naturally more comfortable with certain cultures than others, especially my own. In his article on the subject of diversity, David Brooks points out that people are "finding places where [they] are comfortable and where [they] feel [they] can flourish" (30).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Risk Assessment Case Study

Risk Assessment Case Study C is a 14 year old boy who has a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder and learning disability. C is a very active young boy. His mother is a P.E teacher and has him involved in many outdoor activities. C loves being outdoors and doing practical hands on things such as cooking and outdoor activities. Although C is involved in various activities, these are all organised by his family. Mrs F feels that C constantly seeks reassurance when doing tasks etc. She would like to develop his dependence by involving him in activities which are not organised by the family. Furthermore Mrs F felt concerned that if anything were ever to happen to her or her husband, she would like to know that C has some experience within a different type of home care setting. I completed a UNOCINI assessment on C and a carers assessment on Mrs F. From that I felt that C would benefit from some time spent apart from the family. After completing the carers assessment with Mrs F, I determined that although the mai n reason for the parents was to develop Cs independence now that he is 14, I felt they would also benefit from these few hours of respite. The need for respite was not initially an issue however when I got Mrs F to think about her caring role and the level of caring responsibilities and how this impacted on her socially and emotionally, she acknowledged that yes, these few hours would act as respite for her as she care for C full-time when she comes home from work on weekdays and at the weekends. This option would help to develop his independence and get him more socially integrated in activities not organised by the family. I also identified two other services called Enable and Charis. The family were informed of these services and given the appropriate information. I left this information with the family so that they could make an informed decision. Mr and Mrs F agreed that they would definitely want to consider the option of the respite unit for C to attend for a few hours every week initially, with the view that they may want to increase this at a later date. The purpose of this piece of work is to carry out a risk assessment prior to C commencing the rest bite unit. This will need to consider any risks there are with C, how C may behave, what the triggers etc are and how the staff at O can best deal with these risks. Because there are significant behavioural problems with C, the risks are mainly centred around outdoor safety as he has a significant fear of dogs, his dislike of loud noises and consideration of his speech difficulties which will most likely result in communication difficulties. These factors all present risks to C and this meeting is an opportunity for Cs parents, a staff member from the unit, Cs teacher and I to come together, identify the risks, discuss how they are a risk to C and identify the best ways the staff can manage these risks. Legislation that will guide my practice As a student social worker I have a duty to practice in a professional and legal manner and it is important that I am aware of the legislation related to disability, which provides the mandate for the intervention. The Health and Personal Social Services (NI) Order (1972) sets out the role of social workers in Article 4 as having a duty to promote the well being of all the public. The Chronically Sick Disabled Persons Act 1978 legally obliges Personal Social Services to disseminate information, assess need, collect and maintain confidential information and provide Social Welfare Services to meet the needs of any person defined as chronically sick and/or disabled. Under this piece of legislation disabled people have the right to live in the community and be provided with appropriate support services. Under section one, authorities have a duty to inform themselves of the number and needs of handicapped persons in their areas and a duty to publicise available services. Section 2 lists various services which should be provided to meet the needs of disabled people including; social work support to families, adaptations to the home and including special equipment, holiday arrangements and meals (OliverSapey, 2006). An opportunity for C to develop his independence has been identified as a need for C. I have enquired into the services available and signposted the fam ily to these services. It is now their decision as to whether they want to avail of them or not. The Children (NI) Order 1995 is the main piece of legislation associated with the Childrens Disability Unit. This piece of legislation sets out the powers and duties of the Trust in relation to Children in Need and others. The Trust sets out clear assessment procedures for children in need which take account of any special needs. The order outlines that children with a disability will, in many cases, require continuing services throughout their lives therefore the assessment process needs to take account of any special needs and to take a longer perspective than for other children in need. A holistic assessment is needed to determine what is best needed for that child, taking into account the child and familys strengths, weaknesses and capacities. I have assessed the needs of C and his parents and from that I feel that I strongly feel this service will be of benefit to both C and his parents. Article 17 (c) defines a child in need as a child with a disability; C has a diagnosis of autism and learning disability and therefore is considered a child in need due to this disability. Also I am aware that in accordance with this legislation (Article 17 a b) I have a responsibility to ensure C achieves or maintains a reasonable standard of development or health through the provision of services. I will bear in mind Article 18 which sets out the trusts duty to support children in need. I had a duty to support C by carrying out an assessment of need which will allowed me to determine what type of support C required. Support may be provided in terms of providing services, signposting, referral to other agencies or the worker may provide emotional support, 1 to 1 work, advice, a listening ear etc. In this instance I have provided the appropriate support through signposting the family to two other services for C and I am in the process of providing them with a respite service. Within my work with children I am conscious that the welfare of the child is paramount and that this supersedes all else (Article 3 (1). To ensure I achieve this I have knowledge of and will make reference to The Welfare Checklist Article 3 (3) (Children NI Order 1995) The Disabled Persons Act (NI) 1989 also gives the mandate for the intervention. It gives individuals more control over their lives by providing them with the right to; representation, consultation, assessment, information this I consider to be my role. Carers also have the right to request an assessment and the ability to care is taken into consideration during the assessment process and when decisions are made. The legislation ensures that disabled people have equal opportunities in terms of services amongst other things. I have already completed a carers assessment with Mrs F which indicated that this service would also be of benefit for her as Cs carer. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991) set out for the first time, the rights of the child. Article 2 states, Whereby appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that the child is protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child, parents, legal guardians or family member and under article 6 whereby all children have the right to life and to the greatest possible opportunities to develop fully. It is hoped that through C spending some time away from his family, it will develop his independence. Under article 3, whereby in all actions the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. In assessing the risks associated with C, we will be able to identify what the risks are, what the level of risk is, are there any triggers, what primary preventative strategies can be used to avoid these behaviors and reactions occurring, what secondary measures should be introduced if the behaviors become apparent, what reactive strategies should be required, specify any unmanaged risks and determine what should be the response following a behavioral incident. The Human Rights Act 1998 brought the European Convention of Human Rights into domestic law. Human rights are universal legal guarantees protecting individuals and groups against actions and omissions that affect their freedom and human dignity (SHSSB, 2004: 42). Every child has rights under the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the child 1989. Every child has a right to survival, developmental, protection and participation rights. Article 23 of the UNCRC states that a disabled child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self reliance and facilitate the childs active participation in the community. I am mindful that the Data Protection Act (1998) must be adhered to at all times in order to ensure that information is accessed only by people who have a right to access it. This ensures that service user confidentiality is respected and that relevant and accurate information is stored. This legislation safeguards personal data i.e. personal information that is stored on computer and on relevant manual filing systems under eight principles. Policies and Procedures It is imperative that as an student of the trust I have knowledge of the Trust Policies and Procedures and how they inform my practice. It is important that I inform Mrs F about the complaints procedure and provide a leaflet advising individuals of how to make a complaint and express their views about the Trust services. It is important for the Trust to have feedback from service users as this enables the Trust to change and improve standards of services were appropriate. Furthermore it is important service users are aware of the confidentiality policy. I will explain to Mrs F that the information discussed within the meeting will be kept confidential. Theoretical Considerations Risk became a dominant preoccupation within Western society towards the end of the 20th century, to the point where we are now said to live in a risk society, with an emphasis on uncertainty, individualization and culpability (Beck, 1992). Social workers frequently have to deal with risk. Obvious examples would be when there are concerns about the safety of children. The process of assessing risk highlights the complexity of the social work role. The fact that decisions have to be made seems to require an element of control in peoples lives and this can cause conflict for some workers. The question often arises about the obvious power imbalance between the worker and the service user and issues can surface around care versus control. Burke and Cigno (2000) pose the question as to what degree of vulnerability in children reaches the degree of threshold for intervention, and what should be done to minimize the risks to children. These are difficult issues to reconcile. All parties concerned should be aware that allowing children to take a certain amount of risk is recognition of human beings to fulfill their potential. Denial of risk-taking greatly reduces steps towards independence and decreases quality of life. Trying to balance between parental and organisational protectiveness and acceptance of the childs need to take risks can be a difficult undertaking. There is also the problem of communicating effectively with children their wishes and needs. In the case of children and young people with learning difficulties, professionals are likely to have to learn additional ways of ascertaining the childs wishes and assessing his or her situation. All forms of risk need to be acknowledged in any assessment or evaluation (Trevithick, 2003: 115). A risk assessment is only valid for the situation which it has been carried out in and needs to be an ongoing process as the child develops. It is important to recognize that the situations of children and families are not static they are fluid and changing. Each individual risk has a lifespan and needs to be constantly monitored and reviewed. However, it is important not to give the concept of risk more weight than is needed by becoming too focused on controlling risks. Questions should be asked about whether or not the level of risk is acceptable, sometimes risk is inevitable and to try and control everything a person can or cannot do can be a breach of a persons basic human rights. The Bamfords Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability Equal Lives Group argued how service users want the chance to make their own choices in life and to be supported by the professionals around the m, not simply told what they can and cannot do. Hope and Sparks (2000) suggest that a risk assessment can only identify the problem of harm, assess the impact of it on key individuals, and pose intervention strategies which may diminish the risk or reduce harm. They do not believe that assessments can prevent risk completely. This is something which I would be inclined to agree with. Beckett and Maynard propose that control may be used to protect service users, staff and other members of the community and that by controlling the extent of potential risks that we are ensuring that the best possible care can be delivered. They feel that control used appropriately is not the opposite of care, but on the contrary is an expression of care. We should not fall into the simplistic idea that the use of statutory powers is necessarily oppressive or that working in other ways is necessarily anti-oppressive. There has been a concurrent growing mistrust of professionals in social work and an increased reliance by the profession on complex systems of assessment, monitoring and quality control (Stalker, 2003). Parton (1998) proposes that the blaming society is now more concerned with risk avoidance and defensive practice than with professional expertise and welfare development. However, risk is a normal and often beneficial part of everyday life. While it enables learning and understanding, in the case of potentially destructive consequences it may need to be monitored and restricted. The Southern Health and Social Care Trust (2008), define risk as the chance, great or small, that damage or an adverse outcome of some kind will occur as a result of a particular hazard. It is the threat that an event or some action will adversely affect the Trusts ability to successfully execute its strategies and achieve its objectives. It is a process of continual improvement which requires the identification, assessment, analysis, evaluation, treatment, monitoring and communication of risk. The Southern Trust Risk Management Strategy recognizes the need to reduce and eliminate or reduce all identifiable risk to the lowest practicable level. The trust is committed to achieving this through a holistic approach based on the principle that risk management is everybodys responsibility. There are two important models to consider when assessing risk, that of Brearley and that of Greg Kelly. Brearleys analysis of risk talks about predisposing hazards, which are factors that cannot be changed or are difficult to change before decisions are to be taken. He talks about situational hazards, which are factors specific to the situation that can be changed. Brearley also takes into account the strengths of the situation as factors that decrease the possibility of a poor or loss outcome. This is a positive step which may encourage families if their strengths are acknowledged. The Childrens (NI) Order 1995, promotes the welfare of the child and risk assessment and risk management are now a central part of the social work role and should acknowledged accordingly. Greg Kellys model is designed for use when there are serious concerns for the welfare of the child. It is designed to help clarify the issues in relation to the protection of children, to address key questions in decision making in situations where risk is present, what is the problem and how serious is it? The development of a non-technical language (strengths and weaknesses) has made the model useful in sharing and discussing issues with parents. What is very useful about this model is that it categorises risk. Thus to agree on the degree of risk is to agree on the harm that is more likely (high risk) or less likely (low risk) to occur in the absence of preventative measures. It inevitably involves a degree of predicting future events. Almost by definition taking decisions in situations of risk means taking them not in ideal circumstances and with less knowledge than we feel we need. Despite the dangers, however, childrens circumstances sometimes require that we take decisions base d on our best estimate of the risk of harm to them in a particular situation and at a particular time. The risk assessment pro-forma used at O respite unit is based on Greg Kellys model in that it categorises risk as high, low or medium. High Risk would be recent and regular occurrence of behaviour, for example in the past 3 months. Medium risk would be recent and only occasional occurrence in the past 3 months. Low risk would be seen as having happened in the past but would only have occurred very minimally in the past 3 months. The assessment here is not just the potential of risk of harm to the children, but also the individual measures staff can take to prevent the likelihood of the risk actualizing and any steps that management may need to take. Person centred planning is rooted in the belief that people with disabilities are entitled to the same rights, opportunities and choices as other members of the community. Person centred planning has been around for about twenty-five years and its principles are about sharing power with service users and community inclusion. This way of thinking insists that people with disabilities have the same quality of life and position in society which is equal to people without disabilities. It challenges the idea of grouping people together on the basis that they are perceived as needing the same level of assistance. Person centred planning asks how the client wants to live their life and ways that they think could make this possible and if they require any support with this. Person centred planning has five key features:- The person is at the centre, family members and friends are partners in planning, the plan reflects what is important to the person, their capacities and what support they require, the plan helps build the persons place in the community to welcome them. It is not just about services and reflects what is possible, not just what is available. The plan results in ongoing listening, learning, and further action. Putting the plan into action helps the person to achieve what they want out of life. Person centred planning is about the social worker facilitating the service user to take control of his or her own lives and move forward as much as is possible. Coulshed and Orme (2006) illustrate how it focuses on the individual as unique and special in their own situation. It is important for the social worker to develop a good relationship with the service users for this approach to be successful. It encourages the development of an equal, non-authoritarian relationship where both service user and social worker work together to establish a significant and meaningful relationship.  (Trevithick, 2006: 271) It is important in person-centred planning to work out what is important to the client but also what is important for the client, which can sometimes be difficult. This can even be simple things such as pen pictures which illustrate the things which are of most important to our clients. This can include information such as favourite foods, colours, clothes, possessions, people, activities or place. It is important to remember these principles when I am completing the risk assessment and ensuring that it is a personalised account of this child. Previous knowledge My knowledge of risk assessment is initially very limited. Although I have completed various UNOCINI assessments, and within that you are thinking about risk and identifying potential risks for that child or family if certain support networks or services etc are not put in place, this is not as extensive as this specific risk assessment I am to undertake with C. I read around the topic of risk assessment and took into account the different models, especially the Southern Trusts Risk Management Strategy. I also considered number 4 of NISCC objectives which was to manage risk to individuals, families, carers, groups, and communities, self and other colleagues. This increased my sense of purpose and direction in which the risk assessment was to take. I have good knowledge around C and the family as I had completed the initial assessment. I have previously met with Cs teacher which gave me an insight into Cs daily routine at school and explained the best way to communicate with C. Further to this I read a completed risk assessment which used the same pro-forma to gain a better understanding of how the information gathered should flow. It is important to have an understanding of what autism is and how it can impact on a person and their family as C has autism. Having shadowed the autism support worker few home visits to see children who have autism, I already had an insight into the importance of the schedule and routine for children who have autism. I had also previously increased my knowledge base by talking to the autism support worker within the team about the disorder and its effects. My first degree in Psychology also looked at autism and its effects on development so I have refreshed my memory and read my notes again. Tuning into my own feelings as a worker I feel a little nervous as I will be facilitating this meeting. I feel nervous about the fact that there will be other professionals such as Cs teacher and the social worker and manager from the respite unit. Furthermore, Mrs F is also a teacher. Considering Mrs Fs profession, she may have standards and I hope I am able to effectively facilitate the meeting in a professional manner which meets her standards. In saying this, I have met with Mrs F on a few occasions and I feel very comfortable with her. I want to be able to facilitate this meeting as effectively as possible in ensuring everyone gets an opportunity to contribute, all opinions are considered, all risks are identified and a plan is set in place which will effectively manage these risks. I feel slightly more confident in that I have met with the social work manager and Cs teacher before and feel I have built up a good rapport with Mrs F. Tuning Cs feelings C is unable to contribute to the meeting due to his learning disability. Tuning into parents feelings This is a new experience for Mrs F as she is Cs main carer and the only time they are ever apart is when C is away at school. She may be feeling anxious about considering the risks there are with C. She is placing a lot of trust in the staff at O in order to be aware of these risks and manage them. However this is an opportunity for Mrs F to inform the staff on how to best, most effectively manage the risks associates with C. In turn this meeting may consequently lessen Mrs Fs anxieties in knowing that we have identifies the relevant risks and we are fully aware of how to most appropriately manage these risks. This will hopefully provide reassurance for Mrs F in knowing that the relevant safeguards will be put in place prior to C commencing the unit. Skills It is important that I am able to analyze the information from the O assessment in order to determine if there are any risks, what they are, how they are currently managed and how they could be best managed by staff members. I have already analyzed what the risks are. I have determined that Cs communication is a risk as there is a risk he may become distressed if the staff at O do not understand him. I thus felt inviting Cs teacher to the meeting was important. I felt this could also act as an information sharing meeting whereby the people that C spends most time with such as his mother and teacher would be able to give input on how best to communicate with C. Cs teacher previously informed me that use of the PECS and super symbols would be essential to apply in order to effectively communicate with C, until such times as the staff familiarise themselves with C. The ability to analyze involves breaking a situation or issue down into its component parts so that the inter-connections a nd patterns can be uncovered (Thompson, 2005). I need to be able to analyze the information gathered to determine what the risks are, to determine the level of risk and determine what safe guards need to be put in place in order to try and reduce these risks. Communication has been defined as, the verbal and non verbal exchange of information, including all the ways in which knowledge is transmitted and received (Barker, 2003: 83). I will be facilitating this meeting and thus I need to communicate in a clear and concise fashion in explaining the purpose of the meeting, what I hope to cover, why and what I hope to achieve. I will explain the relevance of inviting Miss V, Cs teacher and explain how I hope she will be able to contribute to the meeting. This will reassure Miss V of her role, purpose and prepare her for what she may want to say with regard to how the staff can best communicate with C. I will similarly explain the relevance of why Cs parents are there also, in that they know C best as his parents and carers and their input and advice will be most valuable with regards to identifying any additional risks I may have missed, and how to manage these and give any input they wish throughout the meeting. This is also an opportunity fo r Cs parents to ask any additional questions, be reassured that we are aware of the risks involved with their son, the appropriate safeguards will be put in place to try and minimize the risks and what plan they have in place if something does happen to C. Negotiation skills are vital as a result of this Risk Assessment. I have invited the relevant persons to this meeting so important information can be shared with regard to how certain risks can be most effectively managed. Miss V, Cs teacher has a good insight into effective communication exchange techniques which will allow the staff and C to effectively communicate with each other and understand what C is communicating. This is vital in order to prevent C from feeling frustrated if noone understood what he was saying or what he wanted etc. I will be looking upon Mr and Mrs F are experts in their own family lives. Noone will know C better than themselves and thus their input is vital in indentifying any additional risks, how they can best be managed. Before we end the discussion, in order for the risk assessment to be effective I feel it is necessary that everyone negotiates on how the risks can most effectively be managed. Trevithick (2005) proposes that listening provides a creative opportunity to demonstrate our commitment and care. The essence of good listening is learning about how to reach the emotions and thoughts of others; it requires active involvement and engagement with the client. I am confident in my ability to convey that I am valuing Mrs Fs contribution as she is the expert her family life with C and Mrs Vs contribution as Cs teacher. Values I am committed to anti-oppressive practice and Thompsons PCS model of discrimination helps me to be mindful of this. Thompson analyses discrimination in terms of three levels: the personal, which highlights the feelings and attitudes at an individual level; the cultural which refers the social norms, and the structural level which is the way that oppression and discrimination can be institutionalised in society. Biesteck value principles are principles of the social worker-service user relationship which are deemed to be effective forms of practice. The principles are:- individualization, purposeful expression of feelings, controlled emotional involvement, acceptance, non-judgemental attitude, service user self-determination and confidentiality. I think these value principles have a lot to offer professionals. I think in terms of this risk assessment I will be aware of the importance of individualisation. This is a specific piece of work which directly impact on the care and support that C will receive while he is at O for respite. It is vital that the work is an accurate representation of C and his individual needs. Biestecks value principles are a useful checklist to ensure that we are practicing in an anti-oppressive manner. One of the core values that I believe to be relevant in all of my work is respect for the person I am working with. Valuing Ms F and treating her with dignity is fundamental to a good working relationship. This should be a part of my everyday practice, part of empowerment, participation and choice (Payne, 1998). Thompson acknowledged the importance of respecting persons and not treating them in a way that you would object to if other people treated you like that (Thompson, 2000). In order to build trust and a positive working relationship with Ms F, Rogers (1961) core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard are vital. I need to be able to convey to Mrs F that I understand their situation and their feelings. In order to do this I need to be open and honest and convey warmth and a non-judgmental attitude to Mrs F. If my work is to be effective it needs to be based on partnership. I hope to convey to Mrs F that she will always will be the expert on herself and C and their family situation. Within a social work context, it is the service users who should define their own needs and dictate wherever possible how their needs should be met (Parker Bradley 2003). Useful pointers in developing a relationship based on partnership include: do not do most of the talking, do not put words into peoples mouths, help everyone feel comfortable, particularly Mrs F. Empowerment involves seeking to maximise the power of clients and to give them as much control as possible over their circumstances. It is the opposite of creating dependency and subjecting clients to agency power (Thompson 1993:80). I will be reminding Mrs F of the importance of her contribution in identifying any risks and advising on how she best manages those risks at present as no one knows C better than herself. Hopefully this reassurance will empower Mrs F to contribute as much as possible to the sharing of information.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Critical Analysis of Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Essay

What The World Has Done... In "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" the author, Joyce Carol Oates, essentially asserts that the nuances of one's personality are not generated from within, but rather shaped by external circumstances. This is an argument whose justification is abundantly clear in the inner conflict of Connie, the protagonist of the book. The source of that struggle is her unstable relationship with her family, which ultimately results in her identity conflict. As one who always been deprived of father-figure, she feels the need to acquire attention from boys in order to fill that void. The realism and characterization with which Oates makes this point in the story have garnered much praise. Connie is presented as the quintessential teenage girl. Like any other female adolescent, she is preoccupied with make up, boys and music. Great characterization is seen in Arnold Friend - described by Oates as one who appears at first glace as "a boy with shaggy, black hair, in a convertible jalopy painted gold"(427) - who employs manipulative conversational tactics to gain psychological control of Connie. Later, he even changes his apparel in order to draw Connie to himself, an act which makes him reminiscent of an enticing devil. Connie is a girl whose perception of the world has been shaped by her family and "culture," causing her life to be literally split into two. At home, she acts as if she were an Zabakolas 2 innocent child that is unconcerned with the dynamics of the opposite sex. But once she ventures into the "real world" she screams for male attention. In her domestic life, she has virtually nobody and nothing upon which to depend (a fact that she e... ..., shows what happens to the psyche of the individual who is shown no love in the larger environment or in the "safety" of her own home. Connie was influenced by many damaging sources that prohibit her from achieving a proper self-identity. As a result of being neglected by her father, denigrated by her mother, compared to her sister and her desire to be loved by her family and others, she developed an identity problem that ultimately led her to the devil. It is not until the very end, through her acquaintance with Arnold Friend, that she is able to achieve some sort of happiness. Even then, her happiness is a tragedy as the devil wheels her in. Works Cited Oates, Joyce Carol. "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Literature and the Writing Process. Eds. E. MacMahan et al. 7th Edition. Upper Saddle River(NJ):Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Professional Roles And Values Essay

Nursing is governed by state boards of nursing, specific to the state that the nurse is practicing in. These boards seek to define the scopes of practice particular to a specific set of people, such registered nurses, practical nurses, home health aides, etc. The New Jersey State Board of Nursing dictates things like applications, accreditation, fees, and continuing education requirements. It is regulatory in nature. (NJ Board of Nursing, n.d.) As a labor and delivery nurse, the professional organization that enhances my practice is AWHONN (Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal nurses). As opposed to the board of nursing which provides direction to general nursing practices and procedures, AWHONN is specific to my field. It provides current research, education opportunities, and clinical resources. (, n.d.) An important aspect in delivering nursing care is the nursing code of ethics. The American Nurses Association (ANA) oversees this code of ethics. There are many ethical implications in nursing care in every specialty. In obstetrics, one of my biggest ethical dilemmas is the subject of abortion. Should a healthcare provider have the right to refuse to take part in any medical procedure? The nursing code of ethics allows health care providers to apply conscientious objection to this situation. Conscientious objection is allowed in situations where the â€Å"action would violate some deploy held moral or ethical value about right and wrong (Odell, Abhyankar, Malcom, &Rua, 2014). Another example of how the code of ethics influences my practice is the protection of the rights of privacy and confidentiality. I am sometimes given information from patients during the admission process that other family members, even the father of the baby, may not know. Things such as previous abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, and number of sexual partners are pertinent in my treatment of the patient, but are often not things that they would like shared with the rest of the family (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015). I believe one of the most important traits a nurse can possess is that of patient advocacy. People are usually at their most vulnerable when they are sick and may not be able to adequately advocate for themselves. Another important traits I would bring to an interdisciplinary team of healthcare providers is respect, respect for the patient and their choices, respect for my colleagues, but especially when I disagree with decisions made by either. Collaboration is also an important trait as a patient’s care is usually multi-disciplinary. Finally, responsibility and accountability are essential traits when part of a team. Team members need to be able to trust the people they are working with. Inevitably, mistakes are made and the true test of a professional is when they are able to own up and take responsibility for their wrongs. Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015). There is an element in most nursing theories that influences my practice. Dorothea E. Orem’s self-care theory most resonates with my care of the maternity patient. It encompasses physical, interpersonal, psychological, and social aspects. Since most of the labor patients I take care of are considered â€Å"well† patients with insignificant medical issues, most of my time is spent teaching and observing – making sure my patient is able to care for her child once she leaves the hospital. This includes determining not only the physical needs, but also social and psychological well being of mother and father or extended family members involved in the care of the infant. Another influential figure in women’s health care was Margaret Sanger. She founded an organization called the American Birth Control League, presently known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger was a pioneer in the movement to improve women’s health through birth control and family planning. A controversial move at the time, she distributed pamphlets discussing birth control, menstruation, and sexuality. She was also instrumental in the founding of the first birth control clinic in the United States. Family planning and birth control continue to be extremely important women’s health initiatives (Wikipedia, 2015). On a daily basis, I strive to create a safe, respectful environment for all  of my patients. Beneficence is defined as â€Å"the doing of active goodness, kindness, or charity, including all actions intended to benefit others†(beneficence, n.d.) while nonmaleficence is defined as â€Å"the ethical principle of doing no harm†(nonmaleficence, n.d.). An example that exemplifies both of these traits is in a recent patient who presented to the hospital for induction of labor. After doing a thorough history of prior pregnancies, I determined the patient had a previous cesarean section. This information didn’t automatically exclude her from induction but it would dictate what induction method we would use. After further research and a request of records from another institution, it was determined that patient actually had a vertical uterine incision, which is not only a contraindication for induction but also a contraindication for vaginally delivery. At the very least, we avoided an emergency cesarean section, which had the potential to impact both the mother and infant’s life. As a maternity nurse, beneficence is a part of my daily routine, but following through on incomplete, undocumented information was an ethical decision I made to make sure the patient received proper care. References American Nurses Association, (2015). Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses. (n.d.) Retrieved February 2, 2015, from Beneficence. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from Code of Ethics for Nurses. (2015). Retrieved January 28, 2015, from Margaret Sanger. (2015, February 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:22, February 17, 2015, from New Jersey Board of Nursing Laws. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from nonmaleficence. (n.d.) Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. (2003). Retrieved February 17 2015 from Odell, J., Abhyankar, R., Malcom, A., & Rua, A. (2014). Conscientious objection in health professions: A reader’s guide to the ethical and social issues. Retrieved February 1, 2015, from overview-20140201.pdf

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Project Manager Essay

The main communication method they use is the telephone. This is because it is handy and convenient to use, and it is also fast. They use telephone for various reasons such as to arrange an appointment, to confirm orders, to book activities etc. The alternative method instead of using the telephone could be e-mail and letter, this way they can keep the letter for hard copy and evidence to confirm that they did arrange the appointment if there are any complications. The Fax machine is quite useful because it is fast and the letter can be kept for hard copy so there will be no need to type up any information. A meeting saves quite a lot of time and they get feedback from people immediately. Some information may be confidential so a certain method may need to be used such as face to face or letter, this way no confidential information is being leaked. There are different types of communication used because they need to know which type of communication to use for each purpose for example if it’s confidential they can either use telephone or letter so that no confidential information is being released out. And also if letter or email is being used, this can be kept for future reference and hard evidence for any purpose. Although there are some disadvantages of using the alternative methods, this is due to the confidentiality of information handling. Some information needs to remain or private in a company so a certain method has to be used. How information is collected, processed and stored All administrative staff play a key role in: Collecting information: whether it arrives in the mail, electronically, by telephone or is passed on by word of mouth. Processing information: inputting it, merging it with other information, sorting it, reorganising it, reproducing it or updating current records. Storing information: in filing systems and on computer. The main aspect of a storage system is so you can find things quickly and the items stored are kept in good condition. Information is processed when it is changed or converted in some way. It may be improved or may be prepared for a particular use such as notes from meetings, messages from telephones, sales figures that need to be input into a spreadsheet etc. These roles are important to the Business because it depends how well information has been organised and stored so that it can easily be accessed when it is needed. Every day, Businesses receive a vast amount of paperwork that is generated by organisations such as forms, fax messages, telephone messages, letters, memos reports and many more. So the administrative staff is responsible for the storage, processing and collecting these information in order to keep the constant flow of the Business going. Post arrives at the reception and then is sorted and stored separately by name in a little locker by the reception assistant, each locker is provided with a key so the administration assistant or the manager has to collect their post from their locker. After all the post is bought back to the department to be opened and read, they also have to do certain things such as processing and storing the type of information. For example: When they receive an invoice for the art and crafts equipment, the amount is processed onto spreadsheet on the computer by the administration assistant. This is because they need to record how much money is spent using the company’s money. Then the assistant writes a number on top of the invoice to help keep all the invoices in order which is then kept in a box file then stacked on the shelf. When the cheque is made out, the same number as the invoice is also written on the top of the cheque so they know they match. Records of the young people who join the community are kept on a CD Rom. Their details are also kept in a lever arch file and are updated if any changes have been made. The lever arch file is then stacked on the shelf along with some other files. When an application form is received, it is read by the manager and details of that person are noted down and then the form is filed in a vertical filing cabinet. If the manager approves one or two forms, he then photocopies them and then the original copy is filed and the other is sent to the director. All other information such as catalogues and booklets from the suppliers of office organisations are stored in a tall cardboard box file and is kept on the shelf. Decision making Decisions are made every day within businesses. The Board of Directors makes the major decisions at GAZ and the Project Manager makes the simple decisions such as what equipment to buy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Technological Solutions for Companies essay

buy custom Technological Solutions for Companies essay The following is a list of recommended technological solutions that address the needs of a company. One, network designing and consulting where it involves designing the network so that a company can be more profitable and productive. Two, on-site retainer service, ensures that every month the network is fixed and updated or troubleshot. It ensures good maintenance. Remote retainer is the other solution. This is where the network and computers used in a company are serviced on a monthly basis by ensuring that the network is well maintained thus increasing productivity by reducing network problems and down time. Four, remote management service enables the provision of technology and tools that are required for administering and monitoring the network from a location that is remote. With this, a company can receive daily administrations and automated monitoring and hence there will be higher productivity. Five, network mapping ensures that the systems in a company have the best software and hardware installed. This is done through upgrading, technological advances and software licenses. Six, remote backup solutions for companies that use high speed internet connection. This ensures that in the event that there is a tape or software drive failure, the information of a company will still be protected. Seven, security consulting whereby group permissions, firewalls, password security and access policies are protected. Seven is the mobile information service. This allows the employees of a company to work from a client site or from home that the internet can be accessed. Through this meetings and conferences can be successfully held through wireless means. Spam solution is the final technological solution that companies require. Through this, email messages can be monitored for offensive content or for viruses. An anti-virus solution and email content checking is recommended to ensure sec urity of the network and mail server. Spam solution and security consulting can be easily implemented at Plainview because they are cheap, yet very vital because they ensure that the company has its privacy. A closed system is not available to the public. One can become a member of collective that is already in existence or create his own which should act in accordance with businesses practices that are common. Buy custom Technological Solutions for Companies essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Multinational Corporations

, goods could be produced and sold within the EEC as domestic products, and not as imports with tariffs. However, the reasons for foreign investments are not as simple as that. MNCs usually have a headstart in the development and initial production of new products, and according to the product-cycle theory, foreign expansion is in fact a manoeuvre aimed at suppressing foreign competition. Once the technology or know-how required for manufacturing a new product becomes widespread, MNCs relocate production facilities abroad. On page 197, Table 7.4 shows the rankings of the 100 biggest economies and revenues in 1996. By examining the list, you will be able to see that there are numerous MNCs whose revenues are hi... Free Essays on Multinational Corporations Free Essays on Multinational Corporations By: h MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS What are MNCs? Multinational corporations (MNCs) are another type of nongovernmental actor and are private businesses headquartered in one state that invest and operate extensively in other states. They are sometimes called transnational corporations or international corporations. Much controversy surrounds MNCs. There are many individuals and organisations who have critical and negative views about MNCs, and then of course there are those who support them. MNCs generate enormous global sales – approximately $5.2 trillion pa. A conservative estimation of the number of jobs associated with MNCs is 150 million. Transnational Banks (TNBs) have played a major role in the expansion of MNCs. TNBs have made capital highly mobile and their contribution to globalization has led to worldwide financial integration. MNCs’ Global Reach and Economic Power Before WWII, most MNCs established foreign operations to secure sources of raw materials. After 1957, w hen the EEC was created, large numbers of MNCs began investing in Europe, mainly in manufacturing. It was advantageous for US firms to build production facilities in Europe, where they too could be protected by the tariff wall of the EEC. In other words, goods could be produced and sold within the EEC as domestic products, and not as imports with tariffs. However, the reasons for foreign investments are not as simple as that. MNCs usually have a headstart in the development and initial production of new products, and according to the product-cycle theory, foreign expansion is in fact a manoeuvre aimed at suppressing foreign competition. Once the technology or know-how required for manufacturing a new product becomes widespread, MNCs relocate production facilities abroad. On page 197, Table 7.4 shows the rankings of the 100 biggest economies and revenues in 1996. By examining the list, you will be able to see that there are numerous MNCs whose revenues are hi...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature If you need inspiration for this years Halloween reading selections, look no further than these eerie teases from classic literature.   â€Å"A Rose for Emily† (1930) by William Faulkner â€Å"Already we knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced. They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before they opened it. The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the mans toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. Among them lay a collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks.† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† (1843) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.† The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson â€Å"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.† The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) by Washington Irving On mounting a rising ground, which brought the figure of his fellow-traveller in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and muffled in a cloak, Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless!but his horror was still more increased on observing that the head, which should have rested on his shoulders, was carried before him on the pommel of his saddle! (1898) by Henry James â€Å"It was as if, while I took in – what I did take in – all the rest of the scene had been stricken with death. I can hear again, as I write, the intense hush in which the sounds of evening dropped. The rooks stopped cawing in the golden sky, and the friendly hour lost, for the minute, all its voice. But there was no other change in nature, unless indeed it were a change that I saw with a stranger sharpness. The gold was still in the sky, the clearness in the air, and the man who looked at me over the battlements was as definite as a picture in a frame. Thats how I thought, with extraordinary quickness, of each person that he might have been and that he was not. We were confronted across our distance quite long enough for me to ask myself with intensity who then he was and to feel, as an effect of my inability to say, a wonder that in a few instants more became intense.† (1838) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"A sullen darkness now hovered above us- but from out the milky depths of the ocean a luminous glare arose, and stole up along the bulwarks of the boat. We were nearly overwhelmed by the white ashy shower which settled upon us and upon the canoe, but melted into the water as it fell. The summit of the cataract was utterly lost in the dimness and the distance. Yet we were evidently approaching it with a hideous velocity. At intervals there were visible in it wide, yawning, but momentary rents, and from out these rents, within which was a chaos of flitting and indistinct images, there came rushing and mighty, but soundless winds, tearing up the enkindled ocean in their course.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of Research Paper

Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of works (from different centuries or cultures) - Research Paper Example i. Art of daily life Art and craft remains among the major practices carried by different cultures since time in memorial. Art is expressed through the objects, images and architecture created for daily use. According to Rauschenberg (1925 p. 51), these objects (material things) have meanings further outside the practical functions. A perfect example is the art of basketry which is perceived to be of great importance by the Pomo Indians. According to their legend, a Pomo ancestor stole the sun from gods in order to give light to dark earth; he used the basket to cover the sun high up. The Pomo basket depicts the universe which they used to move knowledge to human beings from gods in the beginning of the world. Another example is the Islamic art of the tile used in decoration of architectural surfaces. Though used by different cultures in the world, it particularly features the Islamic art. Tiles are mostly used to decorate the surfaces of a mosque, homes, schools, palaces and others. The tiles were therefore used to illustrate the interior design of a 19th century Iranian mosque. Different cultures can depict the art of life from different objects in which they use for everyday life. ii. Sacred realm Different people holding on different cultures have turned the universe into a sacred place of spirits. They communicate with spirits and develop faith that the spirits have answers to questions like the origin of the world, the beginning of life, the purpose of life and others. Through these beliefs, they have created different arts to enable them to develop the realism that allow them to communicate with the spirits. Different cultural believes have different images and objects for this purpose, they include the different cultural believes which are; Christians, Islamic, Indus and others Rauschenberg (1925 p.53) Architectural works have been created with different shapes and designs to portray the setting of a place that can be used to conduct the rituals of pray ers and worship. A good example is the Great Mosque which is an Islamic place of worship in Cordoba, Spain. The interior hall used for prayers has immense horizontal space with a regular rhythm of virtual forest of arches. The light goes in by the doorways placed on perimeter of the hall, filtered through the many columns which create shadows that make the interior design grasp the worshippers. The alternation of the red and white colors into sections creates a distinction in the arch forms while the hanging oil lamp at the centre of worship creates more shadows. Another example that depicts realism in the Christian believes is the model of Mary mother of Christ sited calmly on the throne holding the gesture who is the child Christ on her hand. She is surrounded by angels to quest believers of paradise and in great serenely posture of a virgin symbolizing holiness. iii. Politics and social order Most important systems that human beings hold on are the societies. Most of the early so cieties believed that the order in the universe is directly related to the earthly order, for example in Egypt Pharaoh who was the king was seen as a link between God the earth. He was seen as a small god and a ruler whose job was to maintain order on earth. When he died, people believed that he joined the gods; they prepared many tombs for him a sign of honor. Most known are the three pyramids, which up to date still serve as inspiring structures. Its weight and extend is tremendous that reflect the power of Pharaohs to command immense forces, it also

Friday, October 18, 2019

Palliative Care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Palliative Care - Case Study Example The report then discusses the case in light of current medical practice in the field of palliative care and applies the ACE model in the design and implementation of the palliative care plan of the patient. Palliative care for the elderly is a critical healthcare service whose objective is to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Although a lot has been done in terms of research initiatives, and education of healthcare providers, the quality of healthcare is yet to reach the desired standards (Jerant, Azari, Nesbitt, & Meyers, 2004). In many instances, design of care provision often overlooks the elderly who in fact have the greatest need for the care due to the complex nature of their needs. Despite this, palliative care is progressively being incorporating the elderly in the design of care and has played a major role in alleviating pain and distressing symptoms thereby gaining wide acceptance as a recognized specialty of nursing (Becker, 2009). Palliative care and nursing are also closely intertwined and the knowledge and skills required are applicable across the nursing profession. It is therefore critical that nurses acquire critical skills and knowledge that would enable them to conduct research and apply current evidence based practice guidelines in palliative care delivery. This report will be based on a case study of a 78 year old man brought into the ER after being found down and altered by a friend.... On physical examination, the heart rate was in the 110’s and improved to 130 and then to 140’s systolic with fluid resuscitation. On further examination; the patient is noted to be cachetic, and malnourished. He was alert, oriented, awake and talking. The mucous membranes were very dry. He had tachycardia with inspiratory rales on the right upper lobe of the lung. The abdomen was non distended and non tender. His laboratory results revealed a white blood cell count 16.1 with a left shift, the sodium concentration was 128, the creatinine level was 2.0, and lactate at 5.1. His chest x ray was clear and the head CT scan of the head revealed moderate hypoattenuation of the white matter. The patient has evidence of having an acute kidney injury and hyponatremia. The patient displays evidence of failure to thrive. The initial diagnosis made included altered mental status, acute kidney injury, failure to thrive, malnourishment, starvation, weight loss, history of alcohol abuse , severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dehydration, and hyponatemia, The condition of the patient was determined to be critical and he was admitted into the medical intensive care unit. While in the MICU, the patient complained of increasing cough, difficulty swallowing and abdominal pain. On auscultation of the lungs, there were scattered rhonchi across the lung fields both posterior and anterior. The patient grimaced on palpation of the abdomen and had a productive cough. The bowel sounds were hyperactive and the abdominal x-ray revealed a large amount of stool within the rectosigmoid colon. There were also several air filled loops in the mid to upper abdomen. The mucosal lining appeared thickened and distorted. The x-ray of the chest

Import HID head light bulb from china to USA Essay

Import HID head light bulb from china to USA - Essay Example It would have been difficult to source such parts from China in the past, as Germany, France and the US were the primary sources for higher-tech lighting such as HID, but this image has changed in the past few years. The US is a major market for automobile aftermarket parts. With over 200 million autos on the road, (Economist) and about 16 million autos sold per year, nearly 190 million autos need spare parts and upgrades. The SEMA, or Special Equipment Manufacturers Associate, has become a major force in automobile after-market parts, for those who would like to improve the technical characteristics and the look of their cars. HID bulbs represent a relatively inexpensive and easy way to both improve the look of the car and improve its headlight performance. With many newer and more expensive cars using either HID bulbs or Xenon-arc bulbs, one recognizes a car on the road at night by the cool, intense white light that is emitted from either of these sources. There are a number of considerations that are important to sourcing HID bulbs in China. Because there are several suppliers, it may make sense to have at least two of comparable quality. Our company should insist on using its own brand, and not co-branding with the Chinese company; this preserves the importer’s flexibility in moving to another manufacturer if need be. The transactions should be based on Letters of Credit, which are less expensive than advancing capital before the goods are received. Because HID bulbs are high-value and low weight, low cubes (space requirements), it makes sense to send the products by air, which can shave 4 weeks off a normal 4-6 week shipping alternative. In order to import HID bulbs, one must first obtain approval from NHTSA, or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They need to establish that the bulbs meet US requirements for maximum power and fit within certain size and aiming guidelines. These requirements are somewhat

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The great depression Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The great depression - Research Paper Example The depression drastically changed living standards worldwide as people suffered losses of wealth and regular income. However, the depression initiated several policy responses to change the economic downturn. The period also witnessed the growth of the labor unions and various welfare schemes were introduced by the US government to cater for the unemployed. Several key government regulations and policies were also introduced to counteract the effect of the depression. Some of these policies did not help in improving the situation and contributed to a slower recovery period. It was only after the World War II that the country’s economy was back on the recovery track with increases in consumer spending and rises in employment (Romer; Smiley). The great depression caused huge declines employment, industrial production and growth and deflation in all countries worldwide. Beginning in the United States in the summer of 1929, the effect of the depression spread far and wide across many countries in Europe and Latin America and in Japan. The depression worsened during late 1929 and lasted up to 1933. During this period the industrial production in America declined by 47 percent and the GDP reduced by 30 percent. The wholesale price index or the deflation rate slumped by 33 percent and the unemployment rate increased by 20 percent (Romer). Several causes have been attributed to have caused the great depression. Monetary contractions by the Federal Reserve and a general decline in consumer spending are considered to be principle causes that initiated the depression. The stock market grew explosively during the 1920’s with the stock prices reaching its peak in 1929. In order to curb this rapid rise in stock prices the Fed eral Reserve increased the interest rates which caused the initial decline in consumer spending. This was followed by a gradual decline in stock prices which eventually led to rapid selling as investors began to lose

Philosophy Token vs. Dualism or New Theory Essay

Philosophy Token vs. Dualism or New Theory - Essay Example In recognition of the mental states in relation to the brain, the Token Theory of mind upholds the analogy of realizations and supposes that the individual thought is identical with the individual brain state in which it corresponds. This philosophy reasoned that if mental states is a cacophony of thought processes then most likely it is identical to the internal state of the brain. In simplified terms; it is interaction of mind and body and the interaction of physical processes in the brain and parts of the body via the nervous system and there is nothing more than physical in the way it functions. Smart (1956) said that the mental state's 'desire for a cup of coffee' would thus be nothing more than the "firing of certain neurons in certain brain regions". The mental phenomenon is then equated with the processes of the brain and is actually considered as the fundamental features of the brain. A heavy challenge under this theory would fall under the category of need. The explanation seems to relay the idea that humans regardless of affiliation feel hunger and hunger is identical to a certain brain state. Each mental state is said to be identical to an individual brain state without any categorization. ... Dualism meanwhile is a complex model that divides the human beings into two substances of matter and mind and separates the mind from the body. In Plato and Aristotle both maintained, for different reasons, "that a man's 'intelligence' (as a faculty of the mind or soul) could not be identified with, or explained in terms of his physical body". In a non-physical form, dualism exists to identify the mind as the control factor in movements along with other components. Dualism however explains the property of the physical (skin, bones and the entire system of the human body) in response to the mental (thoughts and feelings). For example, in simple dualism: a needle puncturing your finger is a physical trauma and causes you to perceive pain; as a physical response one either withdraws the hand or voice out a verbal reaction to pain. In other words there is direct physical interaction between the mind and the body. In more complex dualistic setting and explanation: when one sees a car, the input is placed on the senses and sends out signals through the senses which interpret the experience in the brain whereby a mental image is produced. Scientifically this could be acceptable, but the simplest is always the best answer when trying to find the most natural relation to a human's mind. Despite a certain initial clarity, the token identity theory is still faced with a heavy challenge in the form of the Putnam's(1967) multiple realizations. If this is a difference however, then pain cannot be identical to a certain brain state and thus the identity theory is empirically unfounded for her. It dwells on the neurological aspect of the mind and the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Public speaking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public speaking - Assignment Example This paper analyzes the TV, online and print advertising strategies of the Trojan brand using an argumentative approach divided into the categories of ethos, pathos and logos as aspects of persuasive advertising (John 2004, 107). Print advertising Print advertising refers to advertisements printed on some form of paper handled by the potential customer and includes offers posted in newspapers and sent via mail. A print advertisement can only be said to be a success when people see it and act upon it as it aims to attract people to products as they are reading or probing through publications. People have a tendency to be receptive to new information and observation of matters of interest when looking through publications (Fujishin 2012, 102-105). This strategy of advertising was the first to be utilized by the Trojan brand on a pharmacist magazine that would then stock their drugstores with the product as it continued to gain popularity. In print advertising, the Aristotle principle o f logos means the process of persuading the consumer by use of reasoning. Providing reasons is the foundation of any argumentation enabling the readers to draw a conclusion about the message being put across. Logos refers to the internal clarity of the claim, perception of its reasons and the value of its supporting indication.The argument in logos is to provide the explicit reasons that the writer provides to support his claim (Armstrong 2010, 226).For example, the Trojan brand would be advocating for the practice of safe sex by the sexually active component of the population. The first approach to analyze the supporting reasons provided in an argument is by considering all the premises the author seems to provide. For example, unsafe sex could lead to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STI). This is a process of judgment in itself. The second step is to question which of the premises identified as objects of agreement, the author consider as given. Objects of value in this case are either facts or values of the author about the product that may not be parallel to the reader’s facts and assumed values.For example, Trojan is a trust brand to provide maximum protection against STI’s and pregnancy. Basically, every print advertisement argument should arrive to certain objects of agreement shared between the author and audience.The use of inductive logic is whereby the advertisement designer provides the readers with several similar examples and allowing then to draw a general conclusion. Deductive logic on the other hand provides the readers with general propositions and then allowing the readers to draw a conclusion from a specific truth. The society has generally favored the use of inductive method of logical appeal following an already established truth as opposed to the deductive approach that allows for every individual to believe in their own opinion which may or may not be true. The influence of an operational print ad i s distant from being extinct although there are more options available following technological advancements. It is clear that while conducting an inventory, the marketing team of the Trojan condom company have to be more creative so that their prints don’t fall behind. Online advertising Online advertisement uses the World Wide Web and internet to promote marketing messages to attract customer.Since the strategy began in 1994, Trojan condoms revenue in the United States increased significantly

Philosophy Token vs. Dualism or New Theory Essay

Philosophy Token vs. Dualism or New Theory - Essay Example In recognition of the mental states in relation to the brain, the Token Theory of mind upholds the analogy of realizations and supposes that the individual thought is identical with the individual brain state in which it corresponds. This philosophy reasoned that if mental states is a cacophony of thought processes then most likely it is identical to the internal state of the brain. In simplified terms; it is interaction of mind and body and the interaction of physical processes in the brain and parts of the body via the nervous system and there is nothing more than physical in the way it functions. Smart (1956) said that the mental state's 'desire for a cup of coffee' would thus be nothing more than the "firing of certain neurons in certain brain regions". The mental phenomenon is then equated with the processes of the brain and is actually considered as the fundamental features of the brain. A heavy challenge under this theory would fall under the category of need. The explanation seems to relay the idea that humans regardless of affiliation feel hunger and hunger is identical to a certain brain state. Each mental state is said to be identical to an individual brain state without any categorization. ... Dualism meanwhile is a complex model that divides the human beings into two substances of matter and mind and separates the mind from the body. In Plato and Aristotle both maintained, for different reasons, "that a man's 'intelligence' (as a faculty of the mind or soul) could not be identified with, or explained in terms of his physical body". In a non-physical form, dualism exists to identify the mind as the control factor in movements along with other components. Dualism however explains the property of the physical (skin, bones and the entire system of the human body) in response to the mental (thoughts and feelings). For example, in simple dualism: a needle puncturing your finger is a physical trauma and causes you to perceive pain; as a physical response one either withdraws the hand or voice out a verbal reaction to pain. In other words there is direct physical interaction between the mind and the body. In more complex dualistic setting and explanation: when one sees a car, the input is placed on the senses and sends out signals through the senses which interpret the experience in the brain whereby a mental image is produced. Scientifically this could be acceptable, but the simplest is always the best answer when trying to find the most natural relation to a human's mind. Despite a certain initial clarity, the token identity theory is still faced with a heavy challenge in the form of the Putnam's(1967) multiple realizations. If this is a difference however, then pain cannot be identical to a certain brain state and thus the identity theory is empirically unfounded for her. It dwells on the neurological aspect of the mind and the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Brief History of the Hybrid Vehicle Essay Example for Free

A Brief History of the Hybrid Vehicle Essay First built in the early 1900s by inventors tinkering with combinations of the electric motor and the gasoline engine, hybrid vehicles were dropped when gasoline-fueled vehicles became more reliable and easier to start, and gasoline fuel more readily available. Research and development of hybrid vehicles was revived by concern about oil dependency in the1970s and about air pollution in the late 1980s. A number of hybrid vehicles have been built and tested since 1980. Some of these vehicles have impressed analysts with their performance and low levels of exhaust and petroleum consumption. Interest in hybrid vehicles jumped in late 1993 with the announcement of funding for two major collaborations. The US Department of Energy signed a five-year, $138 million development agreement with General Motors and a $122 million agreement with Ford to design and build preproduction hybrid prototypes that could be marketed in less than 10 years. [1] All these were done because hybrid electric vehicles are expected to be the future of vehicles worldwide. Definition One considers a vehicle to be a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power. For example, a mo-ped (a motorized pedal bike) is a hybrid because it combines the power of a gasoline engine with the pedal power of its rider. Similarly, the gasoline-electric hybrid car is a combination of both an electric car and a gasoline-powered one. That is, it makes use of both electricity and gasoline to provide the energy to turn the wheels of the car. Figure 1 shows a gas-powered car. [2] Components Of A Gasoline Powered Car The 4-cylinder engine converts gasoline into motion so that the car can move. The easiest way it does this is to burn the gasoline inside the engine. Therefore is acts as an internal combustion engine i. e. combustion takes place internally. Gasoline powered car engines typically have over 100 horsepower and operate at speeds up to 8000 RPM. The fuel tank stores and supplies gasoline to the engine. It can typically store enough fuel to provide the engine with energy capable of moving the car through a distance of 300 miles or more. Figure 2 below shows an electric car, which has a set of batteries that provides electricity to an electric motor. The motor turns a transmission, and the transmission turns the wheels. [3] Components Of An Electric Car The batteries store and provide energy to the electric motor in an electric car just as the fuel tank does for the engine in a gasoline powered car. It usually gives the car a range of 50 100 miles which is much less than that typically provided by a fuel tank (300 miles). The electric motor is the device that provides motion in an electric car. It converts the energy it receives from the batteries into motion which is used to turn a transmission which then in turn rotates the wheels. It is able to spin up to 15000 RPM and has up to 100 kW of power. Since this motion is connected to the transmission, the transmission also spins the wheel up to this rate. Thus, electric cars would tend to move faster than gasoline powered cars. Components Common To Both The Electric Car And The Gasoline Powered Car The transmission is the device that does the actual turning of the wheel in both cars. There are several ways of combining the two sources of power found in a hybrid car. The Parallel Hybrid Car: This has a fuel tank which supplies gasoline to the engine. In addition, it has a set of batteries that supplies power to an electric motor. Both the engine and the engine motor can turn the transmission at the same time and the transmission then turns the wheels. Figure 3 shows a typical parallel hybrid. The fuel tank and gas engine connect to the transmission. The batteries and electric motor also connect to the transmission independently. As a result, in a parallel hybrid, both the electric motor and the gas engine can provide propulsion power. The Series Hybrid Car: The gasoline engine in this car turns a generator and the generator can either charge the batteries or power an electric motor that drives the transmission. Thus the gasoline engine never directly powers the vehicle. All of the components form a line that eventually connects with the transmission. [4] Hybrid Components Gasoline engine The hybrid car has a gasoline engine much like the one you will find on most cars. However, the engine on a hybrid is smaller and uses advanced technologies to reduce emissions and increase efficiency. The engine turns the generator. It is not able to power the car directly. Fuel tank The fuel tank in a hybrid is the energy storage device for the gasoline engine. Gasoline has a much higher energy density than batteries do. For example, it takes about 1,000 pounds of batteries to store as much energy as 1 gallon (7 pounds) of gasoline. Electric motor The electric motor on a hybrid car is very sophisticated. Advanced electronics allow it to act as a motor as well as a generator. For example, when it needs to, it can draw energy from the batteries to accelerate the car. But acting as a generator, it can slow the car down and return energy to the batteries. Generator The generator is similar to an electric motor, but it acts only to produce electrical power. It is used mostly on series hybrids. It is where the gas engines power gets converted to electrical power to drive the motor or charge the batteries. Batteries The batteries in a hybrid car are the energy storage device for the electric motor. Unlike the gasoline in the fuel tank, which can only power the gasoline engine, the electric motor on a hybrid car can put energy into the batteries as well as draw energy from them. They can store energy recovered from braking or generated by the motor. Transmission The transmission on a hybrid car performs the same basic function as the transmission on a conventional car i.e. turns the wheels. The motor can spin fast enough so that the transmission needs only one gear. Some hybrids, like the Honda Insight, have conventional transmissions. Others, like the Toyota Prius, have radically different ones like the CVT. CVT stands for Continuously Variable Transmission. It is used to vary the transmission ratio in vehicles continuously. The way CVT works depends on the type: Friction CVTs vary the radius of the contact point between two rotating objects, thus the tangential velocity; Hydrostatic CVTs vary the fluid flow with variable displacement pumps into hydrostatic motors; Ratcheting CVTs vary the stroke of a reciprocating motion, which is connected to a free-wheel, resulting unidirectional rotation. Image courtesy DaimlerChrysler The Mercedes-Benz M-Class HYPER a hybrid concept vehicle[5] Reasons For The Introduction Of Hybrid Electric Vehicles To reduce tailpipe emissions: Gasoline cars are a major source of these emissions. Many attempts are being made by several organizations to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from cars through the development of hybrid electric vehicles. For example, Nutley, NJ-based Hoffman-La Roche, Inc. (Roche), the U. S. prescription drug unit of the Roche Group, recently announced plans to integrate Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrid electric vehicles into its pharmaceutical sales fleet in an effort to help achieve the companys goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent over the next five years. [6] To improve mileage: Automakers in the US need to meet Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards as required by law. At present, all new cars sold should be 27. 5mpg (8. 55 liters per 100km). [7] To overcome the shortcomings of an electric car: Electric cars have a short charge. They lacked the range (energy density of electric-vehicle batteries hovered around 70 to 100 watt-hours per kilogram, which automotive engineers called unacceptable) and the quick recharge time the auto industry said it needed. An example is seen in the case where GM introduced the EV1 in 1996. It had a top speed of 183 MPH, faster than any other production car out. It had a limiter that would not let it get above 85 MPH, because to drive the car at 183 MPH would deplete the batteries of their charge within 10 minutes. [8] Energy Consumption: Hybrid Electric Vehicles consume less energy than Internal-Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles. [9] Why Are Hybrid Electric Vehicles A Better Choice? An important aspect of hybrid electric vehicles is that they make use of smaller engines. There are many advantages to this: Big engines are heavier than smaller ones so the car uses more energy anytime it accelerates or drives up a hill. The displacement of the cylinders is larger so each cylinder requires a greater volume of fuel. Bigger engines usually have more cylinders, and each cylinder uses fuel every time the engine fires, even if the car isnt moving. These are the reasons there is a difference in the mileage of two cars of the same model with different engines. If both cars are driving along the freeway at the same speed, the one with the smaller engine uses less energy. Both engines have to output the same amount of power to drive the car, but the small engine uses less power to drive itself. In a hybrid car, the gasoline engine can be much smaller than the one in a conventional car and thus can be more efficient. The engine in the hybrid car is powerful enough to move the car along on the freeway, but when it needs to get the car moving in a hurry, or go up a steep hill, it needs help. That help comes from the electric motor and battery this system steps in to provide the necessary extra power. The gas engine on a conventional car is sized for the peak power requirement (those few times when you floor the accelerator pedal). In fact, most drivers use the peak power of their engines less than one percent of the time. The hybrid car uses a much smaller engine, one that is sized closer to the average power requirement than to the peak power. Ways Hybrid Electric Vehicles Reduce Energy Consumption Besides a smaller, more efficient engine, todays hybrids use many other tricks to increase fuel efficiency. Some of those tricks will help any type of car get better mileage, and some only apply to a hybrid. To squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gasoline, a hybrid car can: Recover energy and store it in the battery Whenever you step on the brake pedal in your car, you are removing energy from the car. The faster a car is going, the more kinetic energy it has. The brakes of a car remove this energy and dissipate it in the form of heat. A hybrid car can capture some of this energy and store it in the battery to use later. It does this by using regenerative braking. That is, instead of just using the brakes to stop the car, the electric motor that drives the hybrid can also slow the car. In this mode, the electric motor acts as a generator and charges the batteries while the car is slowing down. Sometimes shut off the engine A hybrid car does not need to rely on the gasoline engine all of the time because it has an alternate power source the electric motor and batteries. So the hybrid car can sometimes turn off the gasoline engine, for example when the vehicle is stopped at a red light. Figure 5. The frontal area profile of a small and large car Use advanced aerodynamics to reduce drag When you are driving on the freeway, most of the work your engine does goes into pushing the car through the air. This force is known as aerodynamic drag. This drag force can be reduced in a variety of ways. One sure way is to reduce the frontal area of the car (Figure 5). Think of how a big SUV has to push a much greater area through the air than a tiny sports car. Reducing disturbances around objects that stick out from the car or eliminating them altogether can also help to improve the aerodynamics. For example, covers over the wheel housings smooth the airflow and reduce drag. And sometimes, mirrors are replaced with small cameras. Use low-rolling resistance tires The tires on most cars are optimized to give a smooth ride, minimize noise, and provide good traction in a variety of weather conditions. But they are rarely optimized for efficiency. In fact, the tires cause a surprising amount of drag while you are driving. Hybrid cars use special tires that are both stiffer and inflated to a higher pressure than conventional tires. The result is that they cause about half the drag of regular tires. Use lightweight materials Reducing the overall weight of a car is one easy way to increase the mileage. A lighter vehicle uses less energy each time you accelerate or drive up a hill. Composite materials like carbon fiber or lightweight metals like aluminum and magnesium can be used to reduce weight. [10] Despite the advantages of hybrid vehicles, they are a middling choice whose future is far from assured. They are likely to be a victim of regulatory circumstance in the near term, pushed aside by improvements in gasoline emissions and by the Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) mandate which states that a specified percentage of manufacturers sales consist of ZEVs. [11] In the longer term, they will be squeezed between improving batteries and emerging fuel cells. If only fuel cells and advanced batteries falter, hybrid vehicles would have considerable promise and could play a central role in creating a more sustainable transportation system. Nissan Motor Company CEO Carlos Ghosn announced that he is unsure whether hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) will remain competitive in the compact car market if the price of gasoline drops in the future. Speaking at a news conference in Tokyo, Ghosn acknowledged that Nissan will unveil a new HEV in 2006 as planned, but only to meet tightening emission regulations in California. Ghosn expressed doubt that U. S. benchmark crude prices would remain at current levels of $50 per barrel, which is fueling strong demand for HEVs. Reuters said Nissan instead plans to market its new fuel-efficient, gasoline-powered Tiida compact car to environmentally conscious drivers. [12] Disadvantages Of Hybrid Electric Vehicles By combining two propulsion systems and their associated energy storage units, they are inherently more complex than both pure battery-powered electric and pure internal-combustion vehicles. Comments [1] Daniel Sperling; Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation, pg 101 [2] http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car1. htm [3] http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car1. htm [4] http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car2. htm [5] http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car3. htm [6]http://web1. infotrac. galegroup. com/itw/infomark/155/298/52759225w1/purl=rc1_ITOF_0_A122672547dyn=5! xrn_15_0_A122672547?sw_aep=swar94187, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Today, Sept 30, 2004 p0 , Article A122672547 [7]. http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car4. htm [8] http://www. morphizm. com/observations/borah/borah_corner1. html [9] Daniel Sperling; Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation, pg 100 [10] http://auto. howstuffworks. com/hybrid-car8. htm [11] Daniel Sperling; Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation, pg 2 [12] Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Today, Oct. 7, 2004, p0; Article A122947647.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of Tourism In Mauritius Tourism Essay

The Importance Of Tourism In Mauritius Tourism Essay Chapter 2 This chapter deals with the importance of Tourism in Mauritius along with its socio-cultural impacts. The government too encourages tourism for its ability to spread economic development along with reducing inequalities in income distribution by providing jobs. In other words, it raises the standard of living of the local people. As mentioned by Glasson et al., 1995, the government views tourism as a catalyst for national and regional development. Moreover, it brings employment, exchange of currency, balance of payments advantages and important development such as infrastructure benefiting locals and visitors alike. Tourism industry has been the largest as well the fastest industry of the world. Along with the benefits, it must be noted that the negative impacts should not be ignored. Therefore, here, emphasis will be laid mostly on socio-cultural impacts of Tourism in Mauritius. What is Sustainable Tourism? Sustainable tourism is a kind of approach to tourism meant to support the development of ecological tourism in the long term. If tourism is to become part of a more sustainable lifestyle, changes are needed to the patterns of behaviour adopted by the public. Being a core pillar of the economy, the sustainable tourism industry, therefore plays a significant role by contributing to development of goals set for 2015 and alleviating poverty, creating jobs and providing livelihoods to the people of all works of life. Moreover, sustainable tourism is known as tourism development that avoids damage to the environment economy and cultures of the locations where it takes place. Therefore, it deals with the serious issues such as conserving the resources, valuing the local culture and tradition and contributing largely in the economy. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people, tourism companies as well as the tourists themselves. Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism Sustainable Tourism tries its utmost to maintain the importance of local culture and tradition. Sustainable Tourism is informatory, as it doesnt only let tourist know about the destinations but also it helps locals knowing about the culture and civilisation of tourists. This kind of tourism is aimed to conserve the resources of destinations where one is visiting to Sustainable Tourism seeks deeper involvement of locals, which provide local people an opportunity and make their living. Above all, Sustainable Tourism stresses pointedly upon integrity of the tourist places. Moreover, educating locals about sustainability can help in training people to preserve the product that actually offers them a living. In the tourism literature, another major theme linked to culture is that of the impact of tourism development on host cultures (Cole, 2004). Contribution of Tourism in the Economy Tourism contributes much in the economy in a way that the economic policy and planning will revolve mainly around certain fundamental objectives. For example in Mauritius, the potential contribution of tourism is noted under each of these. -Achieving economic growth -Achieving the equitable distribution of economic activities by region of the country -Tourism is a good source of government revenues. -Ensuring adequate maintenance and expansion of the countrys physical infrastructure and public utilities roads, harbours, airports, and transportation systems, telecommunications -Providing an adequate public health system -Providing an adequate educational and vocational training system Relationship between Ecotourism and Sustainable tourism When we talk about sustainable tourism, it deals mostly with the principles of sustainable tourism which are widely accepted, with the idea of prevailing sustainable tourism. Hence, ecotourism, which basically deals with nature tourism, aiming to conserve the environment and improving the well-being of local people, is considered as a speciality product of achieving sustainable tourism, also attracting a considerable amount of interests among both tourist researchers and governors. Ecotourism is seen as a form of tourism that is highly visible and growing rapidly. However, though the goals of ecotourism and sustainable tourism are much similar, the latter is broader and conceals within itself very many aspects and categories of tourism. Relationship between host community and guest Tourist-host encounters occur in three main contexts: -Where the tourist is buying some good or service from the host, -Where they are in the same place at the same time, -And when they meet and share ideas and information (de Kadt 1979). Referring to the last type of encounter is far less common than the first two, tourism often fails in promoting mutual understanding among different nations and stereotypes prevail (Nettekoven 1979; Krippendorf 1987; OGrady 1990). As we can see, this might be create troubles in different nations and may divide them too. Society Coming from the Latin word societas, which means as friendly association with others, a society a can be described as a group of people related to each other through persisted relations such as social status, roles and social networks. It is a group that shares the same geographical territory and have the same political authority and cultural expectations. In other words, society is the members sharing some mutual concern or interest aiming to a common goal. However, related to tourism, we do have some socio-cultural impacts which can be both positive and negative, some form of socio-cultural impact is an inevitable part of the host-visitor relationship as tourism brings together regions and societies that are normally characterised by varying degrees of difference. This is so, because the visitors are from different origin and they carry them their own beliefs, values and expectations. What is culture? Culture comes from the Latin word cultura which means to cultivate, the term culture refers to the cultivation of the soul or mind. Therefore, culture can be described as a social construct which characterizes the behaviour and attitude of social groups. As said by (wolfram, 2002), culture can be an operating mechanism of genetic unfolding which is the basic of the concept. Culture is also described as the sum of ideas, beliefs, values, knowledge and behaviour forming the shared basis for all social action. According to Enzensberger, culture may be defined simply as everything that humans do and do not do (Enzensberger, 1994). A countrys culture consists of its way of life, the way people dress and look, its institutions, its street scenes, its market and buses and its rhythms and patterns, the whole character and appearance of its cities and its countryside. However, it is difficult to see a countrys culture in its totality, because there are so many factors and variables involved. Moreover, it has been noted that no group of people keeps on living in exactly the same way and the culture of a country changes in some way about every five minutes. Social impacts of tourism Tourism directly affects the lives of people living in the tourist areas and this something inevitable. The following are some of the effects which the development of tourism will bring to a new destination. -It brings new jobs. -Many women may be given opportunities to work for the very first time in their lives. -Housing will improve and a variety of new housing projects will develop. -As noted, tourists are customers willing to pay for craft items, works of art, and live performances. The traditional cultural pursuits will undergo a process of commercialization. However, along with the positive contribution of Tourism, the society is also affected by its negative impacts which are known as the ills of the society and causes much harm in terms of prostitutions, drug addictions, gambling, crimes, thefts, night life, western culture being adopted ignoring the local one specially amongst youngsters. It also gives rise to sex tourism, with aged foreigners flocking to some of the countries seeking young women as partners. Others come to indulge in pedophile activities. Cultural Impacts of Tourism Cultural tourism is one of the largest and fastest-growing global tourism markets. This is so because culture and creative industries are being used increasingly to promote destinations and enhance their attractiveness and competitiveness. Developing their tangible and intangible cultural assets has become a means for many locations to develop comparative advantages in an increasingly competitive tourism marketplace and to create local distinctiveness in the face of globalisation. The impact of tourism on culture examines the relationship between tourism and culture which keeps on growing and shows how tourism and culture share a strong link to help places become more attractive to tourists. However, most if the time, while catering for the perceived needs of tourists, tourism development leads to destinations losing their cultural identity. The local people tend to forget that the tourists are short-stay visitors who carry with them their own cultural norms and behavioural patterns. It tends to become a source for commercialisation of traditional cultural events and customs leading to fake folklore for tourists with no cultural value for the local population or the visitors. This becomes an issue as culture is being sacrificed for reasons of promoting tourism. In other words, creating an additional economic value at the price of losing a cultural value. The Socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the host communities The socio-cultural effects of Tourism are divided into three aspects: 1. On the destination -That is, how well a destination is able to assimilate given numbers of visitors 2. On the way of life -That is, the impact that visitors have on peoples values, and the local way of life. 3. On the arts -That is, the influence of the visitors on the arts; music, dance, painting, sculpture, theatre, architecture, handicrafts and so on. These three types of impacts have the following positive effects: Firstly, the numbers of visitors boost the local economy creating wealth, generate jobs, produce improvements in the local infrastructure, trigger a range of new facilities and services, and stimulate other types of investment. Secondly, tourism gives the opportunity to get into contact with the outside world, stimulates two-way flows of information, leads to the import of more goods and services, promotes cultural exchange, fosters a process of internationalization, and generally acts to develop the whole field of trade and communications. Finally, it creates an audience and patronage for the local arts mostly for handicrafts, theatre, music, and dance. It also has an indirect impact on all other artistic expressions including architecture, painting and literature. Impacts can also act in a negative way: First, as already noted, tourism competes for space, thus, there can be some local resentment to sharing amenities with a large number of visitors. Secondly, not only tourism but by development brought in general, there may be some resistance to the changes in the way of life and values and. Lastly, there can be some resentment of the impact of the new market forces on both the contemporary arts and traditional. As we know, all cultures differ from each other. However, while talking about the socio-cultural impacts of tourism, some concepts can be taken into consideration and these can influence one cultures view with another and they are: Norms and rules Here, the way which the people and the society behave and the rules which they follow are noted. People are limited to some legal framework as well as are restricted through social norms-the etiquette and the codes of conduct which governs the ways in which people behave. Emotionally Emotions can be hidden or expressed and is likely to change from country to country. It may change over time also. For example, in many countries, anger is permitted only if the cause is justifiable. In other societies, showing anger in any circumstances is unacceptable. Orientalism Orientalism both creates and perpetuates false ideas about the behaviour of others, particularly as they relate to western views of the East and culture and. The mysteries of the East are due mainly to the Wests incomprehension of eastern cultures. These myths are not only frequently repeated but may also influence contacts and relations. Primitivism Primitive society is living in a natural state with full goodness and simplicity. It can also be said that humans who live in primitive societies are not as intelligent as those who live in advanced societies. They live on honesty and not an attacking egocentrically on another culture to legitimize their enslavement or destruction. They harvest what is naturally provided. However, tourism is often viewed as having disrupted the primitive societies as it has been influenced by the medial, consumerism, politics, economics, education, health, family structure, travel, migration and other social changes. This can further be elaborated as tourism stimulates much interest in and conserve aspects of, the cultural heritage of the host (Cooper et al., 1998). It is noted that once the tourists appreciated the cultural heritage of a particular destination, that appreciation can increase the hosts pride in their heritage and foster local crafts, traditions and customs. In some countries, resources such as museum, national monuments, historical sites and ruins, rock paintings, cultural events, sports and recreational activities too are related to heritage and contribute much to the tourism sector (Government of Botswana, 1997). Tourism has been contributing a lot positively on the society but however, the negative aspects also should be taken into consideration. While talking about the negative aspects, we cannot ignore the fact that the spread of disease through travel and tourism continues to cause a problem though it has largely been responsive to vaccination and control. Among these diseases, the transmission of AIDS on a world wide basis has become a very serious issue and remains one of the major socio-cultural concerns of Tourism. It is noted that in Tourism AIDS is spread principally through sexual contacts. These consists either heterosexual or homosexual and may involve prostitutes, other tourists and ordinary members of the host population. Prostitutions is said to be the most common initial vehicle concerning the spread of the disease. Though tourism does not tend to create prostitution, it existed already and it is impossible to eliminate it too as it creates a certain type of tourism. However, another problem is that it tends to produce young prostitutes as there is a belief that younger girls are less likely to be infected. It is also noted that night clubs become more marketable if prostitution is available there. This has become a means of commerce and entertainment whereby a countrys culture is much affected without forgetting the other sources such as advertising, fashion and media by which culture is much influence. These bring much idea about values and lifestyles. For example, Coca Cola denotes more than a soft drink, Levis more than a pair of blue jeans, McDonalds more than a hamburger and Christian Dior more than a fashion house. Films are released on a worldwide basis. Everybody listens to the same pop music. People are influenced by these and thus, much of modem culture has become universal. GRI The global Reporting Initiative is a well-known network based organization used to report sustainability framework. The reporting framework sets out the Performance Indicators and principles that can be used by organizations in order to measure and report their economic, environmental and social performance publicly. There they use may techniques and some of them are: -Ecological Footprint reporting. -Environmental social governance reporting -Triple Bottom-line reporting -Corporate social Responsibility. Based on these, Accountability of socio-cultural Impacts too forms part of these. Accountability When we talk about accountability, we talk about a concept used in ethics and governance with several warnings. It can be used synonymously with concepts such as responsibility, answerability, blame worthiness, liability and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving. Responsibility also deals with responsible tourism which is about taking responsibility individually and collectively for triple bottom line sustainability, economic, social and environmental. In travel and tourism, much emphasis has been laid on environmental responsibility. However, we should not ignore the fact that tourism is about taking individual and corporate responsibility to implement the principles of sustainable development. Each one of the society has got his own duty to respect it in all actions they perform. Accountability is thus, the acknowledgement and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions and policies including the administration, governance and implementation within the scope of the roles or employment position and encompassing the obligation to report explaining and answering the resulting consequences. Types of accountability Political accountability Political accountability is the accountability of the government, politicians and civil servants to the public and to legislative bodies such as a congress or a parliament. In a few cases, recall elections can be used to revoke the office of an elected official. However, voters do not have any direct way of holding elected representatives to account during the term for which they have been elected. In addition, some legislators and officials may be appointed rather than elected. Constitution, or statute, can empower a legislative body to hold their own members, the government, and government bodies to account. This can be through holding an internal or independent inquiry. Inquiries are usually held in response to an allegation of misconduct or corruption. The procedures, powers, and sanctions vary from country to country. The legislature may have the power to remove the individual, to impeach them, or suspend them from office for a period of time. The accused person might also decide to resign before trial. Ethical accountability Ethical accountability is the practice of improving overall personal and organizational performance by promoting and developing professional expertise and responsible tools, and by advocating an effective enabling environment for people and organizations to embrace a culture of sustainable development. Ethical accountability may include the individual, along with large and small businesses, research institutions and academics, not-for-profit organizations and government. One scholarly paper has posited that it is unethical to plan an action for social change without excavating the wisdom and knowledge of the people who are responsible for implementing the plans of action and the people whose lives will be affected. Administrative accountability Internal rules and norms as well as some independent commission are mechanisms to hold civil servant within the administration of government accountable. Within ministry or department, firstly, behavior is bounded by rules and regulations; secondly, civil servants are subordinates in a hierarchy and accountable to superiors. Nonetheless, there are independent watchdog units hold departments accountable to scrutinize and to scrutinize and; legitimacy of these commissions is built upon their independence, as it avoids any conflicts of interest. Apart from internal checks, some watchdog units accept complaints from citizens, bridging society and government to hold civil servants accountable to citizens. Market accountability Under voices for privatization and decentralization of the government, services provided are nowadays more customer-driven and should aim to provide various choices and convenience to citizens; with this perspective, there are competition and comparisons between public and private services and this, ideally, improves quality of service. As mentioned by Bruce Stone, the standard of assessment for accountability is therefore responsiveness of service providers to a body of sovereign customers and produce quality service. Outsourcing service is one means to adopt market accountability. Government can choose among a shortlist of companies for outsourced service; within the contracting period, government can hold the company by rewriting contracts or by choosing another company. Accountability in education Virtually all schools today that deny it but in opposition, Sudbury schools choose to recognize that students are personally responsible for their acts. The denial is threefold: schools do not permit students to choose their course of action fully; they do not permit students to embark on the course, once chosen; and they do not permit students to suffer the consequences of the course, once taken. Freedom of choice, freedom of action, freedom to bear the results of action-these are the three great freedoms that constitute personal responsibility. Sudbury schools claim that Ethics is a course taught by life experience. They adduce that the absolutely essential ingredient for acquiring values-and for moral action is personal responsibility, that schools will become involved in the teaching of morals when they become communities of people who fully respect each others right to make choices, and that the only way the schools can become meaningful purveyors of ethical values is if they pr ovide adults and students with real-life experiences that are bearers of moral import. Students are given complete responsibility for their own education and the school is run by a direct democracy in which staff and students are equals. Constituency relations Within this perspective, a particular agency or the government is accountable if voices from groups or institutions, agencies, which is outside the public sector and representing citizens interests in a particular field or constituency, are heard. Moreover, the government is obliged to empower members of agencies with political rights to run for elections and be elected; or, appoint them into the public sector as a way to hold the government representative and ensure voices from all constituencies are included in policy-making process. Public/private overlap With the increase over the last several decades in public service provision by private entities, especially in the United States and Britain, some have called for increased political accountability mechanisms to be applied to otherwise non-political entities. Legal scholar Anne Davies, for instance, argues that the line between public institutions and private entities like corporations is becoming blurred in certain areas of public service provision in the United Kingdom and that this can compromise political accountability in those areas. She and others argue that some administrative law reforms are necessary to address this accountability gap. Socio Cultural Impacts Accountability This is a measure used to measure an organizations state of being mindful of the emerging social concerns and priorities of internal and external stakeholders involving the community, governmental, employees and nongovernmental organizations, management, and owners. It can be reflected in the organizations verifiable commitment to certain factors (which may or may not be tied directly to its processes) such as: (1) willing compliance with health and hygiene, employment, safety, and environment laws. (2) respect for human basic and civil rights. (3) betterment of community and surrounding. Social Foot Print Many people in the sustainable business world have long awaited the release of the Social Footprint, a measurement and reporting tool that appears destined to become as common as carbon foot printing within the next five years or so which now available to help you quantify your businesss social sustainability. In other words, it can help you determine the impact your company has on society. Moreover, the Social Footprint Method is a measurement and reporting tool that quantifies the social sustainability performance of an organization. In this regard, the Social Footprint is similar to the Ecological Footprint, which is a method for measuring and reporting the ecological impact of a human population. Unlike the Ecological Footprint, however, which measures a populations use of, and impact on, natural resources (i.e., natural capital), the Social Footprint deals with impacts on what we call anthro capital (comprised of human, social and constructed capital). The Social Footprint Method differs from the Ecological Footprint in another very important way. Unlike natural or ecological capital, which is limited and which humans do not create, most forms of anthro capital are exclusively produced by people and can be created virtually at will. When confronted with shortages of anthro capital, we can almost always create more of it if we want to. Thus, the gaps that must be closed in the case of anthro capital are not sustainability gaps between fixed resources we have and fixed resources we need; rather, they are gaps between non-fixed resources we have and non-fixed resources we could have more of if only we chose to produce them. The extent to which an organization contributes to either causing or closing such gaps is what the Social Footprint Method measures, be they positive contributions or negative ones. What further differentiates the Social Footprint Method from other sustainability reporting tools is the manner in which it measures performance against standards of performance. Top-line, trend-oriented tools are a step in the right direction, but only the Social Footprint Method provides a means of producing true bottom-line measures of corporate social sustainability using standards of performance as a guide. No other CSR method does this. Tourism in Mauritius In the past thirty years, Mauritius has developed from a low-income economy based on agriculture to a middle-income diversified economy. Much of this economic growth has been the result of the expansion of the luxury tourism sector. Mauritius is one of Africas wealthier countries, and its economy is mainly dependent on the sugar, textiles, and tourism industries. As world sugar prices have declined and the production of textiles has become economically unfeasible, the tourist industry is being concentrated on. Tourist policy in Mauritius promotes elite and specialist tourism because of the limited space available for tourism and the need to maximise income while minimizing environmental impact. Low budget tourism in not encouraged. Preferring high-end tourism, the Mauritian government promotes boutique luxury hotels, 4 and 5 stars beach resorts, golf courses, and spas and beauty centres. Tourism is directed primarily at the high-spending European market. Mauritius had about 18,000 visitors in 1970. Between 1985 and 2000 the size of its tourism sector, measured by the increase in tourist arrivals, grew by approximately 340%.Tourist arrivals in 2004 were almost 720,000. Tourism created 30,000 full time job equivalents in 2000. Recently, for the first eight months of 2010, tourist arrivals are forecasted at around 915, 000 for 2010 compared to a decline of 5.3% in 2009. tourist earnings are expected to be around R 37, 935 million in 2010 compared to R 35, 700 million in 2009. We expecting about 2million tourists by 2015. Tourists are primarily European, mainly French and British. Mauritius tends to be a high cost tourist destination. Air travel and accommodation are relatively expensive. Most tourists are on package holidays; there is very little independent travel or backpacking. To promote up-market tourism, charter flights have been banned, the resort hotels have been built to high standards and there are high standards of cuisine and service. There are direct flights from Britain and South Africa. The amount of resorts clustered in parts of the coastline is increasing, despite concerns about pollution and damage to coral reefs. Policy in the country has generally been to regulate contact between Mauritians society and tourists because of concerns about cultural and social problems.